Child Labour in Coal Mine in Balochistan


  • Amir Mohammad Khan Jogezai


Child Labor, Pakistan, Balochistan


History of Coal Mining
The history of coal mining goes back thousands of years. It became important in the industrial revolution of the 19th and 20th centuries, when it was primarily used to power steam engine, heat building and generate electricity.

Child Labor in Pakistan
Thousands and hundreds of children are working in various places in Pakistan to secure their basic need of life. More than1 7.2 percent children are employed in different factories including industries, houses and particularly in coal mining.

Working Conditions
 Older children are carrying coal on their backs in big baskets.
 Many children are injured due to exhaustion of working long hours.
 They are breathing problems from coal dust.
 Coal dust would destroy workers lungs.
 Some of these children are not even 16 years old and they look much older because of the lives they are living.
 Many children died in the coal mines during the time of collapse of mines.
Children working in mines experience can array of physical threat due to hazardous conditions and long working hours. After a long day work many are bleeding from their hands and feet, many have Developed dangerous respiratory problems due to constant exposure to dangerous gases. Apart from these, there are constant threat of sexual exploitation.

Child Labor Is Forbidden In Most Countries Especially In Our Country Pakistan
The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan estimated in the 1990s, 11 million children were working in the country, half of which were under the age of ten. In 1996, the median age for a child entering the work force was seven, down from eight years old in 1994. It was estimated that one quarter of the country’s work force was made up of children. In a city of Pakistan, Hyderabad children enter work force at the age of 4 or 5 years old making bangles and bracelets. They make around 12 sets (per set containing 65 bangles) and only receive Rs.40 which takes around 2 to 3 days. This is not just a situation of Hyderabad but all other Katchi Abadis of Pakistan.

Efforts to Reduce Child Labour
 Help Balochistan against child labor has been raising awareness of the exploitation of children in Pakistan.
 Presently several organizations are working in Pakistan to reduce child labor. Factories are now registered with provincial social security programs which offer free school facilities for children of workers and free hospital treatment.




